Tag Archives: Starting with the end in mind

Love Is A Choice

Let’s play a game of opposites:
I say, “wet.” You say…..
I say, “night.” You say….
I say, “hot.” You say….

You probably had no problem coming up with the answers: dry, day, and cold, or something similar. But what if I say, “Love.” Would you say the opposite is “hate”. . . or “indifference?”

In all my life I have not found many people who actually hate God. Oh for sure, there are many who are angry or disappointed with God, usually stemming from a deep personal loss or betrayal from people claiming to represent God. Few hate God but many grow cold in their relationship to Him. They don’t feel His love and so they have a hard time loving Him, or even acknowledging Him in their day to day life.

Imagine loving your spouse or child or closest friend without talking with them, enjoying time together, laughing and crying together, even disagreeing. Imagine living with complete indifference toward them. Where is there room for love to grow or even survive?

Not all expressions of love feel like love. A parent’s tough love doesn’t feel like love at the time. A friend offers wise counsel that disagrees with your preferred solution; it doesn’t feel like love.

How do you love when you don’t feel like loving? When the other appears unlovable? When you feel betrayed? When your life is turned upside down? How do you keep on loving when you don’t feel loved back?

Love is much more than feelings. It is not so much something we “fall into” but rather something we continually pursue.

Love is a choice.

The Bible tells us that we can’t escape the love of God. But it also tells us that we can go to a place where we no longer hear His voice. That place is called indifference. And the price of that journey is more than we want to pay.

Jesus sums up all of life in four words:
Love God. Love others.

In business and in life, it is best to live with the end in mind. If love does not define your life now, it won’t define it in the end. What one thing could you do…must you do, to renew loving relationships, with God and with others?

Life is short. Choose love.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength…Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Mark 12:30