Tag Archives: stem cell research

Ice Bucket Challenge



You’ve no doubt seen numerous photos and videos of people taking the “ice bucket challenge,” a social media-spun phenomenon intended to support victims of ALS. The videos have been so common place, and with so much attention on “look at what I am doing” it would be easy to dismiss them. And we might see fewer of these videos if it actually shocked their pocketbook to give a sacrificial donation to a worthy nonprofit as much as it shocked their physical body.


Even though I twinge a bit at the “look at me” approach of social media, I really like the idea of people taking a stand for something good and challenging others to do the same. Maybe it is an example of Jesus saying, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


If you take the ice bucket challenge and donate to ALS, I hope you will write a note to encourage them to stop harvesting embryonic stem cells from unborn fetuses as part of their research. Better yet, I hope you will send your generous donation to an organization that values ALL life and use your social media to increase the awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of those who endure great suffering of all kinds – like “the other bucket challenge” to provide clean water to those who have none.


As a media phenomenon the IBC will run its course. What will happen then? What about all the other people around you who also suffer. Will you take the challenge to support them?


Whether you have been excited by the ice bucket challenge or not, let’s take an even more important challenge every single day. Take the challenge to let your light shine, purposefully and intentionally, even in the social media. But more especially in your daily life and every day actions.


Preach the gospel to all the world  – and use words if you have to.