Tag Archives: Susanne Landgrebe

Beauty in Brokenness

Thank you to Susanne Landgrebe for her thoughtful insights in today’s blog!

“Beauty in brokenness….we resist pain, suffering, and sorrow, yet these things are unavoidable to our humanness. Often times, pain is the gate to a new beginning. We want to put the pieces back together, after “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,” pretending as if nothing happened, and trying to pull things back to equilibrium. Instead of resisting pain, or any “negative feeling,” we can embrace it. Instead of running from brokenness, we could grow in it. Pain has the potential to help us more than we ever dreamed possible. Remember transition, the time when the baby is moving through the birth canal, the 15 minutes of unbearable pain and darkness? Afterwards, the beautiful child is born, the pain is forgotten, the life is changed forever.

We can find the beauty in our brokenness. Remember, emotional pain and brokenness is a gate. And there are at least two paths after the gate….and we get to choose.”