Tag Archives: The adventurous life

Been on an adventure lately?

Jules Verne’s 1864 classic novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth, has captured the imaginations of generations of readers and movie viewers. It offers an adventure that attracts people of all ages, cultures, and time periods. I wonder if it is because Verne is such a good story-teller or because we are ‘wired’ to be inspired by and to live great adventures.

Marcia and I have enjoyed some great adventures: living in Australia, climbing a volcano, partnering in short-term missions, forming relationships with amazing people including our four children who have grown to become adult friends, growing our own love for each other over four decades, going ‘home’ to Bolivia, and even this past year’s journey through Leukemia. Adventures draw us out of our comfort zones and fill us with a sense of excitement, exploration, and energy. Sometimes they bring us to face great personal challenges. They certainly lead us to new discoveries we wouldn’t have uncovered on a more settled path.

Did you know you can live a life of adventure without leaving your home town? Of all the exciting adventures, the journey to experiencing God personally and the good plans he has for you must be the most exciting. It is one where we discover who we are and who we were really meant to be. It is where he reveals himself in our innermost being, and where our deepest desires cry out and are satisfied as only he can. It is the adventure of learning that you have real power to live a victorious life, not one of slavery to the demands of circumstances. It is where we discover joy that surpasses understanding.

The adventure of discovering God leads us to uncover the secret of being content. It is where enduring faith grows. The journey with God reveals our true heart. It begins when we draw close to God and he draws close to us. It is where we learn to hear – and follow – his voice. It is where we learn to find – and share – unexpected blessings every day when our lives intersect with others. It is the adventure that brings us to the reward at the end of this life, “Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant.”

Are you living the adventure God calls you to live? Or have you settled for whatever comes your way? The great thing about adventures is there is no time limit for when they can begin. You can “pack your bags” right now and decide to live the adventure to which God calls you. Not sure what that is? Why not spend time talking with him today about this. Read his Word. I’m pretty sure it is going to have something to do with loving (and enjoying) him and loving others in his name.

Your life is meant not just to be inspired by adventure but to BE an adventure with God. Live it well!