Tag Archives: The keys of our life

Who holds the keys?


Before we leave the house or hotel and before we shut the locked car door, we always ask each other, “Do you have the keys?” We don’t want to be locked out and we don’t want the keys to fall into other’s hands. We have keys to the garage and keys to the shed. You could say we have ‘keys’ to our bank and internet accounts. Keys have value to us and so we hold them close.


Whoever holds the keys has authority. Whether it’s a metal key, a plastic card, or some electronic smart device, your keys give you access and power. Whoever holds the keys to your life has control.


Preparing people to receive Jesus, John the Baptist said, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” (Luke 3:11) Over the course of time, we may learn to hand over the keys to some of our belongings to God, persuaded that they should go to someone else because of a greater need.


We might hold other keys closer to us as if to say, “God, you can have my belongings and even a portion of my income. Just let me keep my house, my job, my family, my friends, my health.” When we hold the keys we THINK that we know best how to take care of them. We trust in our plans and our abilities to bring about good results in all the areas of life represented by our keys.


Have you ever wondered what would happen you offered all your keys to God’s control? Would He snatch them from you and leave you empty-handed? Hardly. Jesus, speaking to Peter in Matthew 16:19, promises to give him the “keys of the kingdom of heaven.” In fact, He gives the same promise to all true followers. After all, He is the one with authority to set the prisoners free and unlock the gates of heaven!


“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)


You might say, “I’ve given God the keys to my house, my belongings, and my bank account.” Great! He is the one who knows best how to care for you. But what else do you hold close thinking you alone can protect? It’s easy to ask for God’s blessing and protection on our children. But have you ever prayed, “Whatever it takes, Lord, to bring them closer to you?” Do you trust God with the ‘keys’ to your family? None of us seek suffering or illness, but can you trust God with the ‘keys’ to your health? Do you believe God will open the doors of His kingdom for you – here and in heaven – even if you surrendered the keys to your hobbies and life ambitions?


You can hold the keys or you can place them in God’s hand and watch the doors to real ‘treasures’ open before you. It’s your choice. Who is going to hold your keys?