Tag Archives: Trading my sorrows for the joy of the Lord

A new way to fill the spaces of your day


Ah, the weekend, a time to kick back from the pressures of the week, to pursue more pleasurable activities, our two day refuge from toil. That’s how a lot of us feel when the weekend approaches. Being retired, I’ve lost some of that sense of marking time. Most of my days center around constant medical care. Perhaps, you’ve been in that place at some point in your life, where one thing seemed to take more than its share of attention: your job, money, children, parents, health or some other pressing demand.


Whether it be relief from work or from medical procedures, where do you turn for refuge? We might think a night of mindless activity might be a refuge for us; no pressures, no decisions, just put in the DVD and be entertained. Other times we might pour ourselves ambitiously into hobbies and projects, or service to others. Have you ever considered, when you are shoveling snow or raking leaves, that someone else might need your help? Or when you grabbed a refreshing milkshake, that it might be fun to celebrate together with another person? I remember years ago talking with someone on the phone who said they were having a pity party. We decided to bring ice cream. What’s a party without ice cream, right? 🙂


While we find refuge from the mundane in so many ways, the bible consistently speaks of turning to God alone as our true refuge, our strong tower of protection and safety, his shadow under which we might hide, indeed our hiding place from all that threatens to consume us.


Psalm 31 says “in you O Lord, are my faith and refuge. You saw my afflictions, how I’ve become like broken pottery. Save me in your unfailing love. In the shelter of your presence, hide me.” Psalm 32 says of our loving God, You are my hiding place, my place of instruction of the way I should go.  Psalm 28 speaks to God’s protection when we must face our battles: “You O lord, are my strength and shield.”


We’re tempted to think our ways through trouble, to devise schemes and plans that will see us through them. We build up walls of financial protection, we lean on our jobs, and depend on our health and intellectual prowess and skills. But all these are fleeting. In the end, our only true and faithful refuge is God himself.


The antidote to our troubles is to find refuge in the Lord, to see how many places in our day we can infuse praise and joy. “I will exhalt you O Lord, for you lifted me from the depths. Weeping may remain for a night but joy comes in the morning!” (Psalm 30)  We need to make time in our schedules to “Sing joyfully to the Lord and praise him with shouts of joy. The plans of the Lord endure forever. We trust in his holy name.” (Psalm 33)


We have time to mourn and moan and complain, time even to throw ourselves pity parties. And we also have time to pursue so many pleasurable and beneficial things. How many places in your day can you find reason to turn to the Lord your refuge and proclaim his greatness in praise?


Let your day be marked by the celebration of God’s goodness, regardless of your situation!