Tag Archives: water down the sink

One dollar – Day Six


One dollar – Day six:
As I brush my teeth, I notice the water run down my sink. I notice my one dollar stuck to the mirror and quickly shut off the water until I’m ready to rinse. You cannot afford to buy bottled water on one dollar a day. You will have to get it from a stream or lake or puddle or from the town’s tainted water supply. You know it will make you sick, but you need water to survive.


You look at your one dollar and realize that the doctor’s fee and medicine for just one stomach illness costs more than $30…a whole month of one dollars. On top of that there are the lost wages.


On one dollar a day you constantly think to yourself all day long, I have to stay healthy. I cannot get sick. I am tired of thinking about one dollar all the time! Wherever you go, whatever you do, the thought of one dollar crowds your mind. Maybe you wonder if there will be enough room left to think about God. You question if He thinks about you or if He cares about your one dollar. You know He does, but when you are honest, it feels like your one dollar doesn’t mean much to Him. Before you lay your head down on your mat tonight, what will you say to Him? Is He still the one you worship on one dollar a day?


I’ve never had to and probably won’t have to be concerned about getting down to my last one dollar. Probably you won’t either. Looking at my one dollar, I’m realizing this is not just about the money. For me, looking at my one dollar is like looking dimly through a window that sees beyond my little world. It reveals a view of some of God’s people I don’t think about every day. As you look at your one dollar, maybe you’ll ask God to show you what He sees when He looks at people, around the world AND in your path every day.