Tag Archives: Your names are written in heaven

A new name

Periodically, God gave his people new names. For example he renamed Abram, Abraham. Likewise, he gave the new name of Sarah to Abraham’s wife, Sarai. Jacob became Israel. Jesus renamed Simon to be Peter or Cephas, “the rock.” Why did God change their names? It seems that usually it was accompanied with a new identity for that person. It could be that you were named for a purpose, that your name represents the deeper hopes and aspirations your parents had for you at the time of your birth.

Take a moment to reflect on how you have grown in your relationship with God over the years and to consider the years you have remaining. Do you sense God calling you in a new direction or to the same path with greater devotion? What ‘new name’ do you sense God might bestow upon you to represent your remaining years on this earth, or at least the next chapter of your life? Might it be Faithful One, Steadfast Warrior, or The Man/Woman of Prayer? Might it be simply, yet magnificently, Child of God, The One Who Sees, Patience, or Student of the Word? Perhaps Counselor, Teacher, Peacemaker, Persevering One, or Light of the World. (The truth is Jesus called all his followers to be the light of the world.)

As you reflect on your life accomplishments and the character for which you are known, perhaps it is time to take on a new name. I’m not suggesting you go to the courthouse and fill out new identity papers. But consider the name (the character) that God is calling you to be. It may not be to DO more things, but it likely will have to do much with who you are called to BE. This ‘name’ has great meaning. If it is given to you by God, your new ‘name’ will define who you are called to be in Christ. It may be the new name you are given in heaven.

“…rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Luke 10:20b