Vision Okay…With BIG Font

Bryan vision - big fontThey say that chemotherapy can change your vision. Maybe so, but I found if you just make the font on those eye charts big enough, there is NO problem! 🙂

Today, I visit with the doctors and nurses at the University of Iowa Hospital about my bone marrow (stem cell) transplant. Friday is “Day Zero” as they call it, the day they start the high dose chemo to destroy what’s left of my immune system in preparation for the transplant.  I’ve really enjoyed being stronger and able to visit with people for the last few weeks! I’ll be able to have visitors in Iowa City and also on return home, but with infection precautions.  The transplant will happen about Day 6 or 7 . As one transplant survivor said, you never really can completely answer all your questions. You just have to listen well to God, make your best decision and move forward without looking back. It reminds me of a song we sang as kids:

  1. I have decided to follow Jesus;
    I have decided to follow Jesus;
    I have decided to follow Jesus;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  2. Though I may wonder, I still will follow;
    Though I may wonder, I still will follow;
    Though I may wonder, I still will follow;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  3. The world behind me, the cross before me;
    The world behind me, the cross before me;
    The world behind me, the cross before me;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  4. Though none go with me, still I will follow;
    Though none go with me, still I will follow;
    Though none go with me, still I will follow;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  5. Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
    Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
    Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
    No turning back, no turning back.

No matter what your trial, be it cancer, heartache, financial woes, relational despair…there’s no turning back from your true path with God. Keep your vision clear.

13 thoughts on “Vision Okay…With BIG Font

  1. janet johnson

    Bryan & Marcia So glad to know things are moving forward and you will begin this path to wellness! My prayers continue for God’s blessings for you. I know His plan is perfect. I so look forward to your blog. Thanks for sharing! With love to you and your family! Janet

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Rich and Deb Schumacher

    The kids have been keeping us up to date on your adventure and you are in our thoughts and prayers. It seems we are learning a lot about stem cell transplant as a cousin I graduated with is going through the same thing. Same location and about 1 week ahead of you. A little different story but much the same. You both have shown such strength and character. We know that you will walk beside the Lord when you can and trust that he will lift you up and carry you when necessary.

    Take care,
    Rich and Deb Schumacher

  3. Emmy Foval

    I will be thinking of you every moment and praying…praying…praying. Love u Bryan and thank you for your inspiration and example of honest faith!

  4. John Stilley

    It is great news that you are at UofI ready to start transplant process. We will be praying for you. Say hi. to Kevin Heckman and Karen Ajram, if they are involved in your care. They are p.a.’s in the transplant program and I have worked closely with them in my whole process. I sent them an e-mail about knowing you and treating you good. John Stilley

  5. Kathy Trotter

    “Give me strength to bear what you send, and do not let fear rule over me” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Prayers in Times of Distress” I am praying for you and Marcia to bear what is sent. Godspeed.

  6. Sara (Wilburn) Miller

    Bryan, your strength is outstanding, faith unwavering, and ability to inspire others remains steadfast. None of this comes as a surprise. Many prayers and blessings heading your way. And when you’re done, I’m still waiting for us to have that Coke!

    Sara Miller


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