What are you leaning on?

I remember vacationing out west when I was a youth and being impressed with the vastness of the Grand Canyon. For an Iowa boy, standing at the edge of such an immense chasm was both inspiring and intimidating. Not being fond of heights to begin with, I was the one to approach the edge railing ever so cautiously. I thought I was doing much better with this as an adult but found myself being equally ‘vigilant’ standing at the edge of the tall pier in Newport Beach last year. My loving wife gently teased me about it as I tenderly clung to her (for life! :-)) as we admired the ocean view together. What can I say? Faced with the potential for danger, I like a sturdy railing! Something I know I can lean on and trust.

We need to know for SURE what and who we can lean on when troubles come. Have you ever found yourself leaning on your abilities to be successful or on your financial savings? Or your good health or knowledge and education? It is great when we are blessed with these but I’m sure you know how fleeting these all are, here one day and gone the next. It only took one 5 minute “You have Leukemia” conversation with my hematologist to reveal how all that would change in my life very quickly. Though I have been richly blessed with the love and support of family and friends, how many people have found that even these sometimes fall short when facing times of immense troubles?

So what can we lean on that is always dependable? Here is what I have found in my life and tested to be always true, always reliable and firm, always accessible and unchanging no matter what circumstances prevail, even a life-threatening illness: God’s love, his faithfulness, truth, grace, and power to overcome. He is more than a sturdy railing that protects us from falling. His Word tells the history (His Story) of unfailing compassion toward us. I have experienced this to be true. And since true, I know I can always trust it. And since I can trust it, why in the world would I not ACT on it?! After all, we always act on what we believe.

What troubles and suffering are you facing today? What sorrows and anxieties weigh on your heart? You really can trust them to God if you truly believe in him. His Word is true and applicable to every burden you carry. I hope you will be fully persuaded to not only believe, but believe to the point of acting on it so you can lean with all your strength. Lean with reckless abandon, fully trusting that what you lean on is completely secure, and fully experiencing all the adventure he intends for you.

“For great is your love, higher than the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” Psalm 108:4

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