What Will Tomorrow Bring?

We get so busy making plans and preparation for our lives don’t we? And to a point, this is good: we are well counseled to lay a firm foundation for our lives and to ‘count the costs’ as we build our life. But in the middle of all this thinking and planning (or is it more fretting and worrying?), it is sobering to think at the same time about how fragile our life is. Not to be morbid, but rather to maintain perspective, it is helpful to STEP BACK and remember we are not guaranteed tomorrow and therefore we should live today fully and wisely.

True followers of Jesus believe what the Bible says, that He will come back to collect His believers, and most believe that all prophecy has been fulfilled for that event. In other words, it could happen at any time. (Although it doesn’t seem likely to me, that it may be 1000 years away, that also may be true.) The point is, we are well advised to temper our plans for the future by remembering our future is unknown to us.

Actually, I have considered that there are really three “end times” in our lives. When I say “end times” I mean the end of when we have any influence to share God’s love, truth, and power with others. There is THE End Times when Jesus comes back to rapture His believers and there will be much suffering in the world. But there is also the end of MY time. When I die, it will be the end of my time for making any difference in the lives of others (save by grace that God allows the memory of our words, actions, and character to continue to bear fruit). Third, there is an “end times” when my friend dies or I lose contact with them. An end of the time for sharing the love and light of Jesus. When I remember the moment the planes struck the towers on 9/11, or read of a sudden and seemingly senseless accident that unexpectedly claims a loved one’s life, I am constantly reminded of this fragile opportunity we have to live with intentional love.

I think this repeated act of stepping back keeps us grounded and serves as a mighty springboard as we live out TODAY and also as we plan for TOMORROW. What do you think?

“Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15

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