Living Beyond Circumstance

In our daily walks through the two hospital units, it is evident that everyone here has an important and often tough job. The needs of many patients are very intense. Some days are just busy while others are crazy-chaotic. You can see it on the faces of the caring workers, even through veiled smiles.

As we interact with the staff, we notice that none are immune to the pressures of caring for others, learning a new documentation system, and just coping with life. But even with this commonality, there IS a noticeable difference:

Some people make their day; for others, the day makes them.

Life happens TO some people and determines how their day goes, like a boat being tossed from wave to wave. Others view life through a different lens, one that sees circumstance as ever-changing, but without the power to sink their ship. An inner truth, not circumstance, guides their response to life.

This is not some sort of “master of my own fate” concept. Personally, it seems that such control is illusionary at best. Rather, it is being fully-persuaded that God’s purpose and power supersedes the ‘stuff’ life throws us; it is the discovery that there is reason to give thanks IN (if not for) all circumstances. None of us become perfect masters of our daily perspective. (That is why we need each other!) But when we discipline ourselves to pursue truth and grace and let those be our guide, then mere circumstance loses its power over us.

What controls your life?

“Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

6 thoughts on “Living Beyond Circumstance

  1. Sara Koon

    Bryan – your post is amazingly timely. This morning on K-Love I heard the following: God is not limited by your circumstances. We try to think that god can’t, because our circumstance is too big, too hard, too impossible, too against the odds. You inspire me, Bryan!!!! I love reading your posts, love to get a giggle out of them. So many people take leukemia as a death sentence and don’t fight. Fight hard. Can’t wait to hear that you have defeated this giant, because God allowed you to!!
    ~ Sara Koon

  2. Christine Reynolds

    Hey Bryan,
    Soon I’ll find time to write to you and Marcia properly. When I read your thoughts about ‘Living Beyond Circumstance’ it occurred to me that your present illness has given you the chance to share thoughts and insights that you otherwise, in your busy lives, may not have had time to express so clearly and powerfully and, in this way, your ministry is reaching out to perhaps a far wider and more diverse audience than you had planned. Those who live in ‘comfortable’ circumstances can still be spiritually needy, and what you have to give relates to an everyday life that is immediately relevant to us all.
    Love and prayers for you and for all the family,
    Christine (and Mike)

  3. Joan Cook

    Dear Bryan and Marcia,

    Just a quick note to tell you I Mailed a large white envelope on Monday , to you so be on the lookout for it. Please open it carefully as it has 2 Oncology hats in it for Bryan. We lose so much body heat through our heads that I pray he will find these a help to him.

    Love always,

    Aunt Joan

  4. Mom

    Bryan dear, Christine has hit the nail on the head. You are reaching a greater audience AND one that has spiritual needs. Keep thinking of the hymn “God is working His purpose out” as I read your blog. Covering you and Marcia with loving prayers.

  5. ayanira

    Si es verdad hay dias demasiados ocupados y bastante estresante, pero tambien hay dias que no son tan ocupados… A mi me pasado a veces que lo que mas quiciera es que se pasara el dia rapido y poder llegar a descansar a mi casa, y poder estar con mi familia.. Pero tambien doy gracias a Dios que me tiene con salud y mucho trabajo sobre todo!! Dios es bueno y su amor es grande para con nosotros… Bendiciones bryan y marcia..


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