Patience with others and self: T Day +1


A fruit tree is known by the fruit it bears. If it bears apples it is an apple tree. If it is a Kantuta, it resembles the national flower of Bolivia, not apples. Pretty simple, right? So what kind of fruit do YOU regularly bear in your life? The bible gives clear and practical advice about this. It says the fruit God wants to see in us is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. (Galatians 5:22-23) We will not likely demonstrate all this fruit all the time, but gradually over time, as we ask the Holy Spirit, He is faithful to make these become recognizable as our general character.

Looking at patience again today, how patient are you with your self? Do you drop something or bump into something and call yourself clumsy or some other negative term? Or do you simply admit a mistake and move on? In dealing with preserving self conversations do you constantly play negative self tapes describing how unworthy you are and listing all your faults, or do you quickly bring these to God and remember how He sees you as His beloved child?

Patience with self requires us to see ourselves in God’s eyes. If we belong to Him, we can have great patience with ourselves because He has so greatly been patient with us. When we confess our wrongs He instantly forgets them. This allows us to be patient with others, bearing them grace and not keeping a record of all their wrongs. Practicing patience with self and with others brings peace of mind and makes way for love and joy to grow in your life and in others’ lives. If I have wronged you, let me know; I need your forgiveness. If you have wronged me, I have already forgotten it.

Got patience? You could wait for a trial to produce it. But it is also a choice you can make right now, and each day.


Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

7 thoughts on “Patience with others and self: T Day +1

    1. Go Light Your World

      Kathy, I have seen in you compassionate love for the hurting, joy in Jesus, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and more. I think the art is continually nurturing our relationship with Jesus In Us. Spiritual fruit will naturally be born that way. I appreciate you!

  1. Emily

    Exactly what God intended me to read first thing this morning and to put me on a path of more patience today. HIS plan is already written, as the Bible tells me, so I shouldn’t worry or get anxious because He wants the best for me. I struggle taking back that control in my mind and forgetting He is in control. Thanks Bryan! What a man. Btw, Marcia, is there a sign up list somewhere to meet guys like Bryan? haha…I always joke that I wish I had the ability to take certain qualities and abilities from different husbands of my friends and create a man perfect for me. Since that’s not possible, I just “patiently” wait for God to send him to meet me…wherever he is. :). Hang tight Bryan! Love you guys and you are constantly popping into my mind, reminding me that I could be the old me, or I could try Gods grace…like Bryan and Marcia. Personally, I like how I feel with the second option 😉

    Love, Em and Stella

    1. Go Light Your World

      Marcia and I have discovered that marriage can keep getting better and better even through hard tomes. But it takes a lot of work. There is no coasting. God sums it up in Ephesians chapter 5 when He instructs us, husband love your wife (as He loves the church!) and wife, respect your husband. We were discussing yesterday how important it is to pay attention…to our growing relationship with our Creator who loves us and to pay attention to each other in ways that build each other up. We can’t carry the light of Jesus to a dark world without it shining in our own life. Be blessed young friend, waiting for God’s best.



    While looking for church camp for Stella to attend while back in Wi this summer, I came across one named lake Waubesa Bible Camp. When looking under ‘about us ‘ I was confused by something and immediately I thought of you. I bet he knows!

    Where they mention Spiritual Gifts and then have a disclaimer about offending…what are they talking about?


    Best, Emily

    1. Go Light Your World

      Emily, this is a great question and one I will address more in in an upcoming post. But to briefly summarize here, the first believers were given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit for the edification of each other and the church. (These are described in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.) There is disagreement amongst some churches and believers today whether all the gifts of the Holy Spirit remain in force today, or whether some have passed away. Primarily, the controversy centers around the ‘sign’ or miracle gifts of healing, performing other miracles, prophesying, and speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues. The policy of the church camp you visited was to encourage sensitivity toward not offending others with these gifts. More to follow.


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