Tag Archives: Argentina

Focusing on what is most important


We all know that to live a full and rewarding life, we need to focus on what is most important. And one of the most important is the simple expression of human kindness, even more important than what was on your agenda for the day. A recent news story from Argentina illustrates this:


Martin Passeri is a celebrated Argentine surfer who has five times grabbed the top prize in his country’s annual surfing championships. He was considered the favorite for winning this year’s contest too but he sacrificed it for something better: kindness.


You see, as the competition was about to begin, Passeri saw Nicolas Gallegos sitting in a wheelchair. Gallegos, a surfing buff, was paralyzed from the waist down at the age of 18 before he could learn to surf. Passeri asked Gallegos if he wanted to surf with him. Upon acceptance, Passeri strapped Gallegos onto his back and the two rode the first wave in together.


It isn’t clear whether he was disqualified or whether he took too long to help Gallegos onto the board, but the outcome was that the crowd favorite, Martin Passeri, gave up the championship for an act of human kindness.


When asked later, Passeri said he didn’t lose. In fact, he considered that wave the biggest triumph of his career.


Kindness is one of the fruits that are naturally produced from a Spirit led life.  Sometimes we’re invited to demonstrate kindness, like when someone asks you for help. Other times, we have to take our focus off our to-do list and pay attention to the needs of those around us and respond with God’s love. Often, the opportunity is fleeting, so be quick. Don’t miss the opportunity to bless and be blessed. When you see a need you can fill, do it. It may be the most important thing you do all day.


So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12