Tag Archives: Joshua 1:8

Anchoring your mind


The subject of ‘mindfulness’ is frequently mentioned in the media, typically in the context of finding calmness in life balance. The idea is that we should take time each day to be mindful of our existence and our relationship with our world and others around us. The process is one of ‘anchoring’ oneself to inner values in a way that promotes emotional calmness.

Did you know that practicing mindfulness is at the very heart of focusing on and loving God? From the beginning, we are told to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, and strength (Deut. 6:5). Repeatedly, God prompts us to remember that He is our God (Numbers 15:41). We are reminded to meditate on His Word day and night (Joshua 1:8). We are called into His presence (Ps. 95:2) and to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:16). Jesus said that we can’t do anything without him, that we need to remain in him (John 15), and Paul tells us that with him, we can do all things.

Being mindful of who God is and who we are in his sight, is the essence of walking with God. It is our hope in Him that anchors us in the only way that is firm and secure (Heb. 6:19). It is the anchor that keeps us from drifting away from Him.

So how do we practice this mindfulness of God? Consider the following practical steps:
1. Find and make space for God throughout your daily actions and thoughts. When you find yourself getting upset and tense, create a space between how you feel and how you respond. In that space, think of who you are called to be. Ponder what a godly response would look like. A harsh word may seem like it would satisfy, but consider the longer-lasting consequence of that approach. Choose to be a peacemaker instead.
2. Don’t give in to fear and anxiety. Instead, practice being calm even in the middle of turmoil. Be mindful of God’s promises, His love for you, and how he has equipped you for every situation.
3. Get comfortable with silence. It’s impossible to truly hear what someone else is saying if you are always talking. Talk with God regularly and throughout the day, not just upon rising and going to bed. But more than talking, practice listening to God at least 10-15 minutes each day. Listen without interrupting. Practicing this after reading His Word will stimulate your listening ability.
4. Sharpen your saw. Break away from busyness. If you want to be more productive in what you do and to experience greater life balance and peace, practice being mindful of the One who loves you most. Stop drifting and enjoy the peace and wisdom of your anchoring your mind in meditation.

A world without bibles

Imagine a world without bibles. None, anywhere. How much of the bible could you and your family “reconstruct” and preserve from memory? What about you and your small group of friends and their families? How about your entire church? How many of the bible stories could you piece together and how many of the actual scripture verses? (Now there’s an interesting exercise you can do around the table with your family and friends and a tablet of paper!)

In Ray Bradbury’s futuristic thriller, Fahrenheit 451, all books are forbidden, leading to a secret society of “Book People” who memorize entire books so they can be preserved. We may never encounter such a prohibitive society but still we are called to always be prepared to give the reason for our faith and to hide the words of scripture in our hearts, that our lives will be blessed with God’s guidance.

I remember my first MRI. I am not fond of tight claustrophobic places and had memorized several verses to help me through the experience. What I learned is that I should have memorized more verses! There is something about recalling the truth out loud that drives away uncertainty and fear. Retelling God’s truth keeps us from following vain and false teaching. It also builds our faith.

Some people feel they cannot memorize scripture. I recommend starting with short verses or even parts of verses. Write them on cards and review them at short breaks throughout the day. Stick them to your mirror or your computer. Ask a nonbelieving friend if they will help you practice and hold you accountable to memorizing truth.

A world without bibles would be scary indeed. But can you imagine something even more scary? What about a world of believers without the Word in their hearts? That is REALLY scary!

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8