Tag Archives: Learning to focus

The Battle for Your Mind

The other day, I was watching a documentary on my iPad about the holy sites of Israel. I noticed a reflection on the iPad screen so I was also seeing a reflection of myself watching the movie. And my vision, impaired anyway by the chemo effects still, alternated between seeing first my image, then the movie, then my image again. The constant back and forth was distracting, but as you would expect, soon I was able to concentrate on the image of the documentary, tuning out the other reflection most of the time.

Isn’t that how it is with most of our days? There is so much stimulus around us, sights and sounds, an emerging crisis, and other demands on our attention. These medications I take help me to eat for which I am really thankful. But they also wire me so that I have to fight just to remain calm. Every day seems a present a battle for our mind.

Listening to worship music helps me a lot and, when I can concentrate on reading, recalling what God has to say to me through His Word is an immense help. One of my favorite passages in the gospel of John offers the solution: remain in Jesus. We really can’t accomplish anything substantial or truly lasting unless we stay connected to him. Like the vines that nourish the grapes in our backyard, we have to train our mind and heart to stay connected to him.

What are you willingly to do to fight the battle for your heart and mind and to stay connected to your creator throughout your distracting day?

John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – Jesus