Tag Archives: Living victoriously

Right Thinking

When I worked as a prison guard at the Men’s Reformatory, I came across a number of inmates who said they didn’t belong there. “You mean you didn’t commit the crime for which you were convicted?” I asked. “Oh yes,” they replied. “I committed the crime but I didn’t get a fair trial.” In other words, to their way of thinking, they were indeed guilty as charged but they felt their behavior should have been excused due to some technicality. Years later, when Marcia and I volunteered to mentor guys at another prison, we encountered a more honest reflection on the matter: “I committed a crime because I justified it in my own eyes. I had chosen to believe a lie and my actions reflected this. I was wrong.”

No doubt, you have experienced this too, as have I. We know what is right but we justify a way of thinking and believing that is wrong. You don’t have to go to prison to understand this:

Wrong believing leads to wrong thinking. Wrong thinking leads to wrong and hurtful behavior.
Right believing leads to right thinking. Right thinking leads to right behavior.

You can identify with that, right? For example, I know I am well blessed but am hesitant of sharing my blessings with those in need. I know an encouraging word would be helpful, but sarcastic words come so much easier. I know investing my life into others is most beneficial, but I feel so awkward and just want to have some time by myself.

Hopefully, the struggle becomes less as we mature, but the apostle Paul concludes that the victory is beyond our own ability to achieve; only Jesus can deliver us from this ongoing battle. What does that mean in practical terms?
1. Begin each day by acknowledging the battle you face and asking God’s Spirit to guide you through it.
2. Be intentional in seeking God’s wisdom and strength throughout the day.
3. Be persistent in believing He cares for you. Thank him for each victory over your thoughts and actions, however small, and rejoice in his goodness.

Before you go on to the next task of your day, answer this question: “What wrong thinking colors my world?” Believe – Think – Act on what you know is right. If you fail, ask forgiveness and begin again. Make it a habit that is worth pursuing. God isn’t keeping score and he delights in each time you come to him. Isn’t it time to experience more victory in your life?

“For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:18b-19, 24-25

Code Blue

image Is it just me or does this Mercy House Supervisor look very young for having worked here 103 years? 🙂

Platelets are at a new low of 9 (normal = 150-450) so I am thankful to those who volunteered their blood and platelets so I could get another needed transfusion today (which thanfully went very UNeventfully!). I also set a new personal record today by walking 1/2 mile (about 6 blocks) at one time. Yes, it wore me out but walking is really good therapy and hopefully will help get my digestive back in order one day. During the walk we heard yet another “code blue” announcement. It seems everyday someone is struggling to hold onto life here. In my 50 days at the hospital, I have had only three medical struggles I would deem significant, and none of them requiring a ‘code blue.’

Giving thanks for this, I recalled an older gentleman who years ago would often share a word of testimony. One evening he told of how, whenever he heard an ambulance siren, he would always say a quick prayer, “Lord have mercy on the person needing help.” I remember being humbled because at that time it would seldom have occurred to me to have prayed when I heard an ambulance. Honestly, I remember times stalled on the interstate because of some accident ahead; instead of giving thanks or praying for the persons involved, I would be focused on the inconvenience to my schedule.

Living thanks is a daily, moment by moment choice we make. Sometimes I do better than others. But God is patient to offer us new opportunities each day to focus on Him and on others, even if He needs to use an ambulance siren or ‘code blue’ to get our attention.

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:15-16
(Thanks Cindy, for sharing this verse.)

Are you LIVING thanks?

A friend sent a card with a note encouraging us to keep giving thanks, something we’ve often mentioned here as absolutely essential for living victoriously.

So with that in mind, and today’s news fresh in mind, I’m thankful:

  • My platelet transfusion went through successfully rafter a bad reaction Monday.
  • My amazing wife remains always faithful and devoted to me.
  • I have clean safe drinking water direct from my tap.
  • I didn’t have to choose between food and medicine.
  • Nobody I know was shot, raped, tortured, or mutilated today.
  • No one bombed my town or house.
  • I don’t have to worry about doping or other secrets coming out.
  • My financial budget is strained like so many others, but it is in better shape than the Government’s because I don’t spend seven times what I make.
  • Leukemia isn’t in charge of my life; Jesus is.
    • If you want to be free of worry, GIVE thanks. Try making a list of specific things for which you are thankful, eg not just your friends, but what it IS they do or what characteristic you appreciate.

      If you want to actually put this to action, then LIVE thanks. That is, DO something with it. Consider giving up a daily or weekly habit you don’t need and sponsor a child who needs your guidance and love. Invest in a family’s future by providing a clean drinking water filtration kit. Buy a milk goat to help a single mom support her family. The ideas are endless. Here are some companies with VERY high integrity that make such grants available as they reach out to those in deepest need to help them become more self sufficient:
      CAMA Services www.camaservices.org
      Compassion www.compassion.com
      World Vision www.worldvision.org
      Samaritan’s Purse www.samaritanspurse.org


      “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
      Matthew 25:40