The legacy of our character

Eric Liddle was the world record breaking Scottish athlete who won the 400 meter race in the 1924 Summer Olympics, as celebrated in the famous movie, Chariots of Fire. But unlike so many egotistical celebrity athletes of our time, Liddle was known for being, “Ridiculously humble in victory, utterly generous in defeat.” A missionary to China as well as world renown athlete, Liddle is remembered for his gentle spirit and “complete surrender”, in reference to how he had given his life to his God.

Thinking about characteristics, I remember being ever so smart in the eyes of my young children and then becoming ‘dumb as rocks’ when they grew to be teenagers. I’m glad to say that later, as they grew up, I became wise again. 🙂 Of course, those changing views were likely as much due to the changing perspectives of my children as any significant changes I had made personally. 🙂

What characteristics or attributes are you best known for? Which of these will be the legacy you leave for those who follow? The answer may relate to what you do, but most certainly, your lasting legacy will be based more on who you are. It will be a reflection of your relationship with God and with others. It will reflect qualities like:
Enduring hope
Self control
Unconditional love that never gives up

None of us hit the mark all the time. But over time, we are known for our inner qualities, these special God-given gifts that he nurtures and matures over time. Today is the day to decide what lasting legacy we will leave. Today is the day to decide how we want to present ourself to our loving and eternal heavenly father. In everything you do, live a life of character that builds ups and honors God and those around you.

“Well done good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:23

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