Tag Archives: 1 Peter 5:7

Great and Powerful

It is hard to imagine the fear that “the great and powerful Oz” struck in the minds of movie goers in this 1939 film. At first glance it seemed that Oz was indeed great and powerful what with the blazes of fire and clashes of thunder. But our mind easily conforms to movie trickery, and in the end, it was just a little man behind the curtain, wasn’t it? Nothing to fear in reality.

Our fears and anxieties are like that. They prey on our ability to imagine things that aren’t real. As a kid, I was able to imagine all sorts of ‘bogey men.’ As adults, it seems our imaginary monsters have been replaced with grown-up worries, still imaginary, yet frightful. Some are based on very real circumstances: a pile of bills and a small checking account, pain and sorrow that continue without abatement, soured relationships, failing health. But for the follower of Jesus, the question remains: “Whom do I trust?” If we say He is Lord and master of our life, then our problems come under His jurisdiction too. They don’t own us. If they did, THEY would be Lord, right? And we know we cannot serve two masters.

Unlike Dorothy in Oz, we don’t have to fight a wicked witch solely in our own power. And as important as a group of close friends is in our perilous journey, even they are not enough to defeat our foe. But there is within us, the Holy Spirit, all the power we need. The full authority of God the Father, His power and might, His holiness, His glory, His greatness, His unending love and amazing grace all rest within us. If we trust Him with our eternity, cannot we trust Him with our current life? And if we truly trust Him for all things, whom then shall we fear?

Our God is not a little man behind the curtain. He uses no trickery…He is who He says. If we can trust our Great and Powerful God with our eternal life, can we not trust Him today with every situation, real or imagined, that causes us fear and anxiety? It is a choice we make many times daily.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. Psalm 55:22